

Have you thought why leaves are green?

Why they need to be green?

Of course I don’t know the reason.

People say, we visualized by green wavelength.


Or for photosynthesis.

But what I want to know is in a deeper sense.

The earth is covered with green.

When we look around, we can see many greens here and there.

Most of weed are green, leaves of flower are green,

leaves of tree are green, woods are green, mountains are green.

When we see the scenery of green, we feel good,

comfortable, relax, and so on…..

Where does the feeling come from??

I think it’s the key of the reason why they are green, they need to be green.

It came up to my mind when I was driving in the morning.

I was very happy to see the scenery of green from the window.

How do you think??