Save the animals


Animals are happiness themselves.

Their existence itself is happiness.

But do animals live happily?



When I was 3 years old, I already could not eat meat

and I knew it’s animal, not food.

I really wish there’s no meat-eating,

Animal experimentation, no abuse.

We should not torment them.

Can you imagine if you are caught and

Trapped in a narrow cage?

You don’t know when you are released.

You have to spend in the narrow cage all the day

maybe all your life.

You will be mad.

We have to know that we are doing the same to the animals.



Even if the small amount of percentage of people change the habit of eating,

the amount of consuming of meat will be reduced.

It will be a cause to change the world though I can’t guess in this point.

We have interesting Proverb” 風が吹くと桶屋が儲かる”.

I like this proverb. it sounds funny but it also contain truth.